Social Forestry Department
Social Forestry Division, Bongaigaon
About the Department:
Mandate of Department:
Social Forestry is a wing of Environment and Forest Department. Its Mandate is to implement the govt. schemes made for the department. Such as
a) Plantation in Reserve Forest’s , Propose Reserve Forest’s and khaslands.
b) Nurseries for public distribution and planting works.
c) To create public awareness etc.
a) Principal Chief Conservator of Forests & Head of Forest Force : - Supreme authority of Forest department & controls the whole department, Assam.
b) Additional Principal Chief Conservator of Forest : - Assist the Principal Chief Conservator of Forest & Head of Forest Force is all respect.
c) Chief Conservator of Forest : - Head of wing and zone such as Social Forestry , Wild Life Upper Assam Zone etc.
d) Conservator of Forest : - Controls Circle under which there are different Divisions under one wing or Zone.
e) Deputy Conservator of Forest / Divisional Forest Officer : - Head of one Division. A Deputy Conservator of Forests holding the charge of Division is called Divisional Forest Officer.
f) Asstt. Conservator of Forests: - He is to assist the Divisional Forest Officer in all respect in a Division in office and field works.
g) Forest Ranger/Forest Range Officer: - A Forest Ranger holding the charge of a Range is called Forest Range Officer. A Range area is the basic unit of administration under a division. It covers few Reserved forests, Proposed Reserve Forests and Govt.lands. For convenience it in divided in to few Beat and Sub- Beat area.
h) Deputy Forest Ranger: - He is to assist the Forest Range Officer in all respects regarding controlling of Range.
i) Forester-I/ Beat Officer: - A Forester-I holding the charge of a Beat or Sub-Beat is called Beat Officer. He is to look after the Forest area under his control with the help of other Forester-I, Forester-II and Forest Guards posted under his Beat/Sub-Beat.
j) Forester-II: - He is to carry out the protection duties under Range or Beat as posted.
k) Forest Guard: - He is to carry out the protection duty under Range or Beat as posted.
l) Plantation Mali: - Posted to work in nursery and plantation area.
Organizational Structure:

a) Important Schemes under implementation : -
i) SOPD.
ii ) CAMPA.
b) Status of Implementation : -
i) In SOPD scheme advance work of 2 nos 5 hect. Block Plantation were completed during the Financial Year 2019-20. Administrative approval for the works of creation of plantation yet to be received.
ii ) In CAMPA Scheme , no intimation regarding creation of new plantation and nurseries are received to -date. But maintenance works for previous years plantations and nurseries are in process . The plantations are AR -25 hects. 3 nos, 20 hects.2 nos , Sal coppice management 25 hects 2 Nos. and 67 hact.1 No.and Nurseries 3 Nos.
c) Annual Target : -
i) SOPD : -Creation of 2 Nos 5 hect. Blocks. Besides 2 Nos. 5 hact.Block plantation, 350 Nos. single plantation, 2 Nos. 1.5 hact.nurseries are proposed. Awaited for Administrative approval for starting works.
ii) CAMPA : -Creation of Aided Natural Regeneration 100 hect., AR plantation 50 hect. 2 nos Blocks and Sal Coppice management 50 hect. 1 No.= 25 Hect.