Animal Husbandry and Veterinary
Last Updated on: June 27, 2022

District Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Office
About the Department..
Assam is a state where farm, wild and companion animals are contributing to human health, nutrition, livelihood, entrepreneurship development and employment generation, sustainable economic and social wellbeing of its entire citizen.
Major activities of Department are:-
- Treatment of ill animals and reducing mortality of livestock and birds by providing timely veterinary service.
- Prevention and control of epidemic and zoonotic diseases to protect animals, birds and health of human being.
- Increasing production of milk ,meat and eggs to provides protein supplement in human diet.
- Generation of self employment opportunities and training programme among unemployed youth in dairy, piggery, goatery and poultry farming.
- The District A.H. & Veterinary Officer, Bongaigaon is responsible for execution and management of all A.H. & Veterinary related works/ schemes within the district and implemented with the help of SDVO North Salmara and field Veterinary Officers. He also looks after the administrative related matters of all officers and staffs of the district. He also arranges medicine and vaccine supply regularly to the dispensary and sub-centre of the district. SDVO North Salmara looks after the administrative related works of the office, dispensaries and sub-centres of the North Salmara sub-division for smooth running the A.H. & Veterinary activities.RAIO, Abhayapuri executes breeding policy like Artificial Insemination of cattle, buffalo, goat etc. within the district. He arranges to supply frozen semen, liquid Nitrogen from Frozen Semen Bank, Abhayapuri to all dispensary and sub-centres where A.I. is running regularly in Bongaigaon and Dhubri district.V.O./B.V.O. are the key officer to execute all the veterinary activities in the field level. They do treatment to sick animal, vaccination of livestock & poultry for prophylaxis, castration of cattle, goat, A.I. ofbreedable animals and also do veterinary extensional works in field level.

- Ongoing scheme under A.H. & Veterinary department in Bongaigaon district:
Sl. No. | Name of the Scheme | Status of the scheme |
1. | NationwideArtificial Insemination Programme (NAIP) under National Animal disease Control Programme(NADCP) | A.I. animals are tagged with a UIN no. , issued health card, A.I. data, calf born & PD reports are uploaded in Natinal Animal Disease Reporting System (NADRS) |
2. | Animal Registration in INAPH (Information Network for Animal Productivity & Health) | 73 AIT id created to carry out animal registration. |
3. | IPPP (Innovative Poultry Productivity Project)-- Broiler Farming under NLM (National Livestock Mission) |
Selected Block—Boitamari 46 nos. Beneficiary. 150 nos. broiler chick will be providedper quarter for one year. Feed, medicine will be provided. Construction of Poultry sheds are going on. |
4. | Livestock Insurance under NLM | Targeted 800 nos. of cattle, buffalo & goat. Scheme is going on. |
5. | FMDCP (Food & Mouth Disease Control Programme) under NADCP |
Oncoming programme. Vaccination target:2,57,000 nos. of cattle & buffalo. 246 nos. vaccinator id were created to register the FMD vaccination in INAPH portal. Cold storage room have been constructed in the campus of DVO Bongaigaon. |